Hellobee Boards


August POAS

  1. jstalter

    cherry / 124 posts

    @MrsDragon: keep us posted. I am so sorry. Fingers crossed for you!

  2. jstalter

    cherry / 124 posts

    @TrailRunner: thanks for your advice on the temping! I'm going to look for the strips that give me more info than just the smiley or the empty circle. I had a temp increase by 0.4 today. Not sure if that's significant but it looks like it is with the fertility friend chart! Didn't get a smiley on my OPK but I have a faint blue line so I'm not sure if that means the test is detecting a little? Hopefully I can get my hands on the other test you mentioned and begin that tomorrow!

  3. mrsmacandcheese

    blogger / clementine / 985 posts

    I'm out. U/S today showed nothing (too early anyway, she said, but the lining was really thin too). I have another blood test tomorrow and an appointment to put it all together Thursday AM but I know I'm not pregnant. I think we'll maybe try again this month -- I should ovulate somewhere around the 23-25th if things go well, but we have house guests then and I feel pretty emotional to boot.

    Tons of love and luck to everyone!

  4. JennyLayneAZ

    nectarine / 2690 posts

    @MrsDragon: I'm so sorry

  5. Mrs. Lemon-Lime

    wonderful pea / 17279 posts

    @MrsDragon: I'm sorry.

  6. csross217

    kiwi / 554 posts

    @Mrs. Lemon-Lime: @MrsRoo: Yay, congrats to you both!!!

  7. csross217

    kiwi / 554 posts

    @MrsDragon: So sorry to hear this my thoughts are with you!!

  8. csross217

    kiwi / 554 posts

    My POAS date might need to change... FF gave me dotted crosshairs over the weekend, 6 days early! I'm really hoping it's wrong because DH was working all weekend so no BDing for us.... I tempted a lot later than normal too so maybe that effected it. Anyway, I'm hoping that it's a fluke and I end up O'ing when I'm supposed to later this week. Maybe I'll have to try OPKs next cycle...

  9. WinterBee

    persimmon / 1071 posts

    @MrsDragon: I'm sorry! Hopefully you can hit your next O date.

  10. catlady

    grapefruit / 4988 posts

    I just realized that I had forgotten about this thread. Joining back in now that I'm starting the 2 week wait.

    @MrsDragon: I'm so sorry. Hugs.

  11. TrailRunner

    kiwi / 585 posts

    @csross217: I have had FF change my crosshairs before. Did you notice any CM? My temps are off sometimes too, so that really could be it. I would keep DTD and temping and seeing if maybe it has them wrong and will update.

  12. csross217

    kiwi / 554 posts

    @TrailRunner: I just started having fertile CM yesterday and today, so that makes me hope that I'll O this week instead of last week like FF thought.... we've been BD EOD except for the days hubby worked overtime last week (and the days FF says I O'd, figures), so hopefully FF was wrong and my crosshairs will move!!

  13. jh524

    pear / 1632 posts

    I tested tonight since AF is due and i think I may have a squinter! Eek!! Hopefully my eyes aren't tricking me. Ahh. I'll test again tomorrow or wed.

  14. jstalter

    cherry / 124 posts

    @jh524: fingers crossed for you!!

  15. QBbride

    pomegranate / 3192 posts

    @jh524: Ahh how can you wait?!

  16. jh524

    pear / 1632 posts

    @jstalter: thanks!
    @QBbride: lol I don't know I thought it takes 48 hours for hcg to double. Could it be darker tomorrow morning?! Eek!!

    Here's the squinter:::

  17. QBbride

    pomegranate / 3192 posts

    @jh524: I definitely see it! That's not even a squinter!!! CONGRATS!

    it does take 48 hours for hcg to double but I bet your line would be darker tomorrow morning since your urine would probably be more concentrated.

  18. jh524

    pear / 1632 posts

    @QBbride: omg!! Really?! I'm afraid to get excited though. I've been cramping all day long so thought AF was gonna show. Thanks girl. I'll update soon. Eek!!!!

  19. MrsRoo

    pear / 1642 posts

    @MrsDragon: I'm sorry

  20. MrsRoo

    pear / 1642 posts

    @csross217: thank you!

    @jh524: I see a line too! Congrats!

  21. Honeygold89

    nectarine / 2527 posts

    @MrsKoala: sooooo sorry mama I hope both of our next pregnancies are healthy (((hugs)))

    @MrsDragon: sorry hope next month bring you great luck.

    @jh524: I see something fx!

  22. WinterBee

    persimmon / 1071 posts

    @jh524: Ahhhh! I see something! Excited for your update.

    Update for me is... nothing. haha. Still out of town, I did not get AF while camping (yay). I'll test on thursday or friday if it still hasn't arrived.

  23. TrailRunner

    kiwi / 585 posts

    @WinterBee: are you late?

  24. TrailRunner

    kiwi / 585 posts

    @jh524: congrats!!!

  25. buttermilk

    nectarine / 2086 posts

    @jh524: congrats! I had lots of mild cramping from 4-7 weeks and today is my due date! it can be pretty common.

  26. Ajsmommy

    pomegranate / 3355 posts

    @MrsDragon: sorry
    @jh524: I see it! poas again!!

    I finally got a positive opk so I will be dtd tonight... as long as my DH can overlook my poison ivy ARM! ughhhh...

  27. illumina

    pomelo / 5469 posts

    @jh524: awesome! I guess cramping was a good sign after all!

  28. csross217

    kiwi / 554 posts

    @jh524: I definitely see it!!! Can't wait to hear how it goes today

  29. MrsChristmas

    coffee bean / 25 posts

    @MrsDragon: I'm so sorry, I'm excited you'll have another chance this month though!

    @jh524: I'm usually one of the ones that can't see squinters but I can actually see that one! Let us know if you decided to confirm today!

  30. MrsKoala

    cantaloupe / 6869 posts

    @jh524: I see it!!

    @Honeygold89: Wishing you all the luck this month, lady! I'm taking this month off but we'll try again in September.

  31. WinterBee

    persimmon / 1071 posts

    @TrailRunner: I think I'm late, my last cycle was 37 days and the month before was 32, I'm typically a 31 day cycle. My period tracker averaged to 35 days, which would put AF on August 8, but nothing yet... but I don't really 'feel' pregnant. So, we shall see.

  32. jh524

    pear / 1632 posts

    @MrsRoo, @Honeygold89, @WinterBee, @TrailRunner, @Ajsmommy, @illumina, @buttermilk, @MrsChristmas, @csross217, @MrsKoala: Thank you ladies! I got another yesterday. I don't feel KU and light cramping still.

    @WinterBee: when will you POAS??!

  33. MrsChristmas

    coffee bean / 25 posts

    @jh524: So happy for you!!! I had light cramping the whole first trimester with my first. I think it's everything in there expanding so quickly and since it's your second it's probably expanding even quicker since your body knows the drill! Congrats!

    So, my curiosity got the better of me. I tested this morning and had a squinter. I asked DH to look and he could see it as well, but I'm going to try again Friday morning and see if its more clear. Not getting my hopes up. The only "symptom" I've had is constipation, which I had horribly with my first.

  34. jh524

    pear / 1632 posts

    @MrsChristmas: oh great lol. The idea of expanding quicker frightens me. Haha
    You have a squinter??!! Eek!!! Keeping my fingers crossed for you!!!!

  35. MrsRoo

    pear / 1642 posts

    @jh524: yay!!
    @MrsChristmas: how exciting!

  36. catlady

    grapefruit / 4988 posts

    @jh524: @MrsChristmas: Congrats!!!

  37. WinterBee

    persimmon / 1071 posts

    @jh524: I'll be home tomorrow, so I'm thinking POAS tomorrow night or Friday morning, probably Friday morning because I drink a lot of water throughout the day.

  38. WinterBee

    persimmon / 1071 posts

    @MrsChristmas: Woohoo! Exciting!!

  39. csross217

    kiwi / 554 posts

    @MrsChristmas: Yay, exciting!! How many DPO are you?

  40. jh524

    pear / 1632 posts


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