I was having lunch with my mom today and she says to me "I want to talk to you about something but don't take it the wrong way. " That's never a good way to start a conversation. Apparently my Dad was visiting with my Gmom and Uncle the other night and my uncle commented how he hadn't heard from me since my aunt dropped off a bunch of food to us 2 weeks ago and that he wants to see the baby. Now I thoroughly thanked my aunt when she stopped and we had a nice visit. We are certainly grateful for this and any gifts anyone has given us but calling everyone to thank them or chat hasn't really been a top priority while learning to take care of my newborn. My mom commented that she hasn't heard any other grumblings yet but people like to be acknowledged when they give you a gift..........This made me feel like a big a-hole and i started to cry in my exhausted, emotional state. Isn't this the point of thank you cards? I understand that it's a great idea to call people but that has been the furthest thing from my mind! I feel like people would understand that. I'm lucky if I shower daily or eat a real meal at this point. And the last time I checked people don't need a personal invitation to come visit the baby. Am I crazy for feeling this way? LO is only 3 weeks old - cut me a break!