My LO (15 wks) has a little bald spot on the back of her head where it rests when she's lying on her back looking up. She has thicker hair along her nape (comparitively, she has pretty fine blonde baby fuzz!) and so she looks like a little old man from the back! Not to mention it's between her 2 stork bites so she has a lot of funk on the back of her head.

I feel bad! She doesn't spend that much time laying on that spot, she's only been a regular crib sleeper in the past month, and before that if she didn't sleep in the crib she was being worn or held. She spends a small amount of time in her bouncer, and we don't even own a swing or any other baby holder! It looks like she is always stuck on her back though...

Anyone else with bald spot advice or commiseration? Baby in the front, old man in the back?