Question (or maybe several) for those that chart and have had a miscarriage.

I started charting via BBT when I miscarried (naturally). Once I stopped bleeding (two weeks ago) my temps also dropped to my usual pre-O level. They've wavered a tiny bit, but not anything astounding or unusual pre-MC

I've had HCG levels checked, and on Tuesday it was at 65. They're falling as the doctor expected, and with the internal u/s two weeks ago, the doc said it looked like it was complete.

So, after two weeks of no bleeding, I started bleeding again (heavier than just spotting). I don't think it's a period because it seems my HCG would still be high for that. And it's only been 3 weeks since MC

On the other hand I'm not freaking out and assuming infection, because the scans were quite clean and the HCG is still dropping.

Has anyone experienced anything like this? Any insight?

I feel like "what to expect post-miscarriage" might be even less talked about than "what to expect when miscarrying"...