Does anyone have any tips on setting up a bedtime routine with more than one kid? I had to put both DD and DS to sleep by myself the other night, and it was a bit of a disaster! As we're moving into DH's busy time at work, I'll be doing this a lot more often, and I could use a few tips on how to make it run more smoothly.
The other night, I bathed/changed/swaddled DS while DD was in the bathtub. Then, I washed DD and all three of us went into her room. DS started to get tired and fussy while I was dressing DD, and by the time we sat down to read a story, DS was a mess. I ended up just leaving DD in her room by herself while I fed DS and put him to sleep. When I finally got back to DD, it was half an hour after her bedtime and it took her forever to calm down and go to sleep.
Suggestions? How do you handle bedtime with two or more kids?