On Saturday DH was mowing the lawn and disturbed a pretty big Bee hive in the ground. He got stung *at least* a dozen times. He immediately took an antihistamine and I made him take a cold shower then wiped all the spots with a insect bite wipe from our aid kit and take a ibuprofen.

The worst spots were his neck and calves which blew up. He iced them off and on all night. By Sunday all spots but the calves were fine and no longer in pain. But his calves were pretty painful and slightly hard. For reference DH has a very high pain threshold so for him to complain to me he must've been in serious discomfort and pain.

Fast forward to this morning and he could not get out of bed. He was feeling weak and called in sick to work. He ended up sleeping all day. He never ever does this. The only other times I remember him sleeping the whole day away was when he had pneumonia!!

I am wondering if this is a common reaction to a bee sting? Or is he coming down with something and the timing is just coincidental?