My son's preschool is fantastic except for one thing....they are fixated on his thumb sucking. They do a sticker chart and treasure chest every Friday. His teacher told me today that starting next week he will lose stickers for thumb sucking. This really bothers me. I generally don't like behavior charts but they are so prevalent around here that I've accepted them in a school setting. At home we don't do rewards or punishments for the most part. But the idea of punishing thumb sucking really upsets me. We are going to talk with his teacher about it but are not sure what to say. The pre k is run by the education department of a fairly well regarded private university so I'm frankly shocked they are even considering this. Am i overreacting? His last school (Montessori) also tried to break his habit and I finally told them to stop because he was getting overstimulated and I didn't want to take that coping mechanism from him. But that was a year ago (he's now 4).