LO has been getting sicker and sicker for days. He has a yucky sounding cough, sneezing and occasional runny nose and eyes. Yesterday he broke out with a rash over half of his face which has not gone away. Last night he was up several times because of coughing and congestion and because the poor guy was cold and clammy and uncomfortable. I got a bad nights sleep and then woke to a miserable congested baby who sounded like he was having trouble breathing. He was clinging to me and breaking my heart. This coupled with a lack of sleep and the fact that both DH and I do NOT have faith in our daycare to handle anything outside the norm led me to call in sick. I hardly ever call in sick but I Just. Couldn't. Leave. Him. I thought I would take him to the doctor but I called the nurses line and they are completely unconcerned with his symptoms and don't want to see him. I feel like I completely overreacted and am regretting not being at work. Can I just say having to make these decisions sucks much less early in the morning with little sleep and under duress. Sometimes finding balance as a working mom really sucks. If I go to work I feel like a bad mom, if I stay home I feel like I am ruining my career and letting my coworkers down. I can't win rant over.