It's my 4th day back at work and 4th day pumping. My boss hasn't said a word about my pumping and has actually ignored me most of the week. She's been too busy to meet with me to get me up to speed after my maternity leave. However she has plenty of time to meet with my co worker every day.
Now I've received an email from HR asking me to come discuss my "request for break time to express milk." Request??! I'm already doing it. I'm worried and scared. and sad I hate my job and boss and hate being away from my LO.
Pumping (twice) is taking a huge hunk of time out of my day. But it's partially their fault. I'm not allowed to pump in my office so I have to walk across campus and then up three flights of stairs to get to my pumping room. Yesterday I had new shoes on and both heels were bleeding due to my mad dashes from my desk and back.
This is so stressful!!!