Most of you know me but some of you don't so I thought I would post an introduction!

Hi, I'm Cathy. I live in Tennessee. You can pretty much count on me being crazy - I mean, totally sane. Ahem. Anyways, I'm a 23 year old SAHM with two under two and I just moved into our new-old house 3 months ago, days before giving birth to our daughter! Talk about timing! I have it in spades.

I've been married for a little less than two years (October 2011) to my wonderful husband, Gordon, who is a diesel mechanic. I have a son, Henry, who is 16 months old (January 2012), and a daughter, Emma, who is 3 months old (March 2013). Both pregnancies were unplanned but both babies are much loved. Life's been fun trying to adjust to being a mom of a toddler, an infant, and unpacking/arranging/settling into our new house.

I'm a SAHM for now but eventually I would like to be a WOHM or part-time SAHM. Right now, finances just don't allow us to be able to afford childcare so I'm it! I love it, don't get me wrong, but it isn't forever for me. I miss the challenge of university classes and jobs. Need adult interaction (which is why I'm on HB all the time ). My goal in the next five years is for us to get to a point where I can go back to school part-time to finish my degree as an English major, history minor, and find a job that I can hopefully work part-time as well. After all, a happy momma makes a happy home!

And that's a little about me! Feel free to ask me questions, I'm a (mostly) open book