Hey everyone. I'm brand new here and I would really appreciate some advice about carriers.

I started with a Boba Wrap, which my newborn HATED. I returned it and bought a K'tan, which worked great. She's 4 months old now and I wanted a SSC, so I invested in a Lillebaby and after using it quite a bit, I feel this might have been a mistake.

I'm 4'11 with a super short torso and I can barely see over my baby's head! I have to practically sidestep to walk properly without tripping because I can't see my feet and it's terrifying. When I have her lower on my torso, it's horribly uncomfortable for both her and I and she isn't old enough to go on my hip or back. She's in the 25% for weight and length, and she doesn't fit the narrow or wide settings for the seat. The narrow one leaves her legs dangling no matter how I adjust her (so her hips are below her knees - doesn't work in this setting). The wide seat is uncomfortable for her because her legs aren't long enough yet.

I'm so frustrated because I live in a city where a stroller just isn't a good idea. My stroller is tiny and gets taken off the sidewalk by the much larger ones and I wanted something where I wouldn't have to worry about playing stroller chicken, something my baby could be comfortable in. The K'tan's starting to be uncomfortable for my daughter as well, because the fabric's bunching up between her legs in the facing in carry and she hates it.

I also tried making a ringsling, but I don't have the coordination to thread it properly. Every time I tried, my baby almost slipped out!

Does anyone have ideas for a better carrier, something all-weather that would allow for different positions but less cumbersome? I would appreciate any advice you can give!!

Thank you so much in advance.