Hi all! So one of my best friends is due with her first at the end of the summer. I’ve had two babies in the last 3 years so you’d think I’d be able to offer decent advice on labor and postpartum items but I swear I’ve blocked it all from my mind. I could remember the basics of what I had with me in the hospital (clothes for baby and mom’s return home, night gown for hospital stay, flip flops, chapsticks, chargers, toiletries, any comfort items) and for immediate postpartum (numbing spray, sitz bath, types of pads, nipple cream, Tucks), but I was trying to think of other items that a new mom might enjoy receiving in the initial days home from the hospital or something that you found comforting during labor. Any suggestions? I’d love to send her a gift and while flowers are always nice to receive, I was trying to think of something more geared to postpartum needs. Thanks!!