pomelo / 5791 posts
@MaryM: I think that's the same thing for me. It was "just" a sac. But it was MY sac. They wouldn't even let me see the screen, let alone a picture.
pomelo / 5129 posts
@ValentineMommy: I did get to see it on the screen, which was helpful.
I don't think I realized I didn't have a picture or anything until I was going back for blood tests and follow up appointments and it nearly pushed me over the edge to have to sit in a waiting room with happy parents ooing and ahhing over their sonogram pictures.
pomegranate / 3764 posts
On phone and not at computer so will do replies in the morning -- but yeah, I had my OB take a few pictures of our baby to remember them. A perfect little gummy bear, 3cm long and looked so peaceful. I'll never forget that sight. That was my second baby! Will always be our second baby.
cantaloupe / 6634 posts
@jaguar: @ValentineMommy: The closest Lush is an hour and a half away... I looked on Amazon but everything is 3 x the price in store. Ummmm...no...
cantaloupe / 6634 posts
@ValentineMommy: I feel like I am stalking you right now! I completely understand the blighted ovum thing. It's a weird place to be. I know I am allowed to mourn however I want and there was no reason for me to know any different while pregnant but it is a hollow feeling to know there was never a baby. I mean, there was at the very early cell division stage and was probably absorbed by the sac but, in my mind, my baby was the size of a blueberry, grape, and, lastly, a kumquat. Seeing the abnormally shaped sac on the screen was very strange. I almost don't want to admit that I lost a baby, so I feel like I am in this limbo of losing a pregnancy but not a baby. I know it's not a "lesser than" loss, but it's just...different. To me, at least.
cantaloupe / 6634 posts
@jaguar: Oh I forgot to answer you before, but I am bleeding really old stuff, like super duper dark brown. Sorry if that's gross. Luckily, the cramping ended when the clotting passed. How are you feeling?
cantaloupe / 6630 posts
@jaguar: yes, I will always see that baby as my second child. I do feel like a mum of two, even though I will never meet the second.
nectarine / 2641 posts
@simplyfelicity: I can understand being in that "limbo" place, but I feel like I'm there, too, in a different situation. I'm mourning the child that could have been, but most likely given the timing of the miscarriage, there were chromosomal errors that mean that child NEVER could have been. I think we're all (or at least most) in that limbo stage, mourning a child that was there, or wasn't, that could have been, and never could have been. It's mourning the loss of a future, regardless of the actuality.
I'm pretty sure I know exactly the moment I passed the baby, and I'm fairly certain I saw the tissue. I probably should have saved it, but I didn't.
cantaloupe / 6634 posts
@Tidybee: I am not sure I will be excited or terrified if I get pregnant again. I don't imagine I will get very attached. I know this is a problem for future me, but it does worry me. People keep saying "next time will be it" and I nod because I don't have the heart to say "I don't believe it." Also, because I think you are awesome.
cantaloupe / 6634 posts
@Jess1483: You are right. I am so sorry you have been having an especially rough time right now. I hope you experience unexpected joy today.
nectarine / 2641 posts
I just want you all to know how much this little community has meant to me over the last few days. Everyone's words really help. I am so careful about what I say in real life to everyone, and to feel like I have a place to share whatever I need without reservation is beyond helpful. I would tag everyone individually, but it's dinner time. So just know that if you're reading this, I'm talking to you. Thanks for the support. I pray we all leave this place soon, with fond memories of the love and support we received.
pomegranate / 3533 posts
@simplyfelicity: Increasingly, I'm having to understand my reality as "I lost a pregnancy." End of story. If I go any further down the rabbit hole, my brain starts trying to assess and compare different kinds of loss (again...which is both depressing to me and seems fairly pointless). Stupid brain.
@Jess1483: Yes. This makes sense to me. But, of course, how I want to formulate things (so as best to cope with them) has been a work in progress...not to mention inconsistent.
pomelo / 5791 posts
@simplyfelicity: aw man that stinks! Where are you located? I can get some and send it to you if there's something you want! All us ladies could use some pampering, I'd say. And I know exactly how you feel about a b.o. feeling "different" than another type of loss. I'm not sure I have the words to explain how it's different though....it just is.
@Jess1483: I also mourn the "child that could have been"....the idea of who he/she would have been...I don't think I'll ever be able to think about it without a serious sense of grief. I hope you're feeling as good as possible tonight. I know how hard it is. Hugs!
@FliegepilzHut: my brain spirals as well, I feel your pain
Extra to everyone. I'm feeling extra emotional tonight
ETA: that's a lot of hearts in one post, oh well!
cantaloupe / 6634 posts
@ValentineMommy: Oh, I am just in California. You are too sweet! I think I am going to drag DH to Sacramento for some Lush and our favorite BBQ place.
You are, obviously, not alone with grappling with a b.o. Also, I really wish it had a "nicer" name.
And I love all the .
cantaloupe / 6634 posts
@FliegepilzHut: Yes, I have to actively stop myself. Sometimes I can't help myself and other times, I can be very objective about it. I guess that's the nature of grief: it's not linear and often contradicts itself.
@Jess1483: I completely agree...I wish we could all sit together with a glass of wine! Or two!
nectarine / 2641 posts
@simplyfelicity: I've been drinking so much this last week. Like, even when I don't really want it, it's like "hell, might as well!" DH just had his wisdom teeth out today, and I've downed 1/2 bottle of wine by myself. I should be ashamed. I'm not.
What is this "lush" thing you all speak about?
pomelo / 5129 posts
If it's on the internet, we have to believe it, right?
Unfortunately after women suffer through a blighted ovum, they often hear comments about there never having been a baby. This is just not true. An egg has been fertilized just as in every pregnancy. The baby just does not develop beyond implantation. If you've had a blighted ovum, you were no less pregnant than any other pregnant woman at that same stage and you have every right to mourn the baby that only shared your body for a couple weeks
pomegranate / 3764 posts
@ValentineMommy: We talked about honouring the baby when we know more - and when the testing comes back, we can find out the gender too. Once we know what our wee one WAS, it'll make it feel a bit more real. When we've grieved those details, we'll do something to remember. And hon, of COURSE it was a loss. It was your baby.
@simplyfelicity: Doesn't your Lush deliver? Oh no! Bleeding had stopped, just dark brown spotting when wiping. Then yesterday I came down with a stomach flu; vomiting, diarhhoea, etc, and I guess all the strain on my body caused my bleeding to start back up again. This morning it's back to just a tiny bit of brown wiping again.
@MaryM: I felt like I knew, looking back as well. Everyone made fun of me for using my doppler - but I had a feeling, and that feeling turned out to be true.
@2PeasinaPod: How did your appointment go? Been thinking of you today, but our timezones are all out of whack.
@Jess1483: Big, big hugs. I haven't had a public meltdown yet. In the car with tears streaming down my face, yes, but not out on my own. And I agree, 100%: I don't know where I'd be without you wonderful women.
@travelgirl1: It will be interesting to see what happens in future - I mean, this was our second bub. Does that mean I'll technically be trying for #3? lol
@Tidybee: Close monitoring sounds like a plan! My appt is only 2 weeks out, so I guess I'm worried about it being early - but I also want to see what his plans would be for a future pregnancy, which I hope we're lucky enough to get to one day.
My little ultrasound picture is on my phone. I know it's sad and probably weird to some people, but I love seeing it. I shared it with a few people, and have no hesitations in sharing in future. Makes me remember that little person even more.
pomelo / 5129 posts
@simplyfelicity: You're welcome I like to keep in mind the Dr. Seuss/Horton Hears a Who quote, "A person's a person, no matter how small"
The conversation about baths and bath products last night got me thinking though.
Now that we have our own forums, would anyone be interested in a gift exchange? We're always telling each other to do something kind for ourselves, but maybe we could help each other with that?
I know the IF girls exchange socks and nail polish...maybe we could do something for each other to help each other out on feeling pampered and/or just to life our spirits? I know that mail makes me incredibly happy when it isn't bills!
What do you think?
I was thinking we could indicate how we like to pamper ourselves (baths, painting our nails, hobbies, coffee, etc.) and do something like elfster. And beyond a gift, maybe even just periodically send happy thoughts or quotes out.
cantaloupe / 6634 posts
@MaryM: I absolutely adore this "care package" idea! I am totally in!
Eta: oh, and if we enjoy it (which I am sure we will) we could do one for the holidays, too!
pomelo / 5524 posts
Hi ladies - sorry I didn't update yesterday. Was a crazy afternoon yesterday and day today so far!
My appointment went well yesterday. She indicated that there were a slew of tests that she was going to send me for and explained each one. I'm not fully versed on everything infertility related, but they were all the things the bees told me about when I asked what to expect from my first appointment. I'm going to get my 20 vials of blood taken soon, and I'm to call on the first day of my next period.
The one thing that is a little concerning is that she did an ultrasound on my uterus and immediately found scar tissue. She's not sure that it's causing any issues just yet, but she wants to look through all of my old ultrasound images to see if it was there for any of my other pregnancies or if it was a result of my D&Cs, miscarriages or even my C-section with LO. She isn't ruling that out as a possibility of issues with implanting.
I was really surprised at how much time she spent with us explaining everything. She was really thorough and was even incredibly versed in both mine and DH's health plans (we're on separate plans with our respective companies). They're larger companies in the area, but I guess I just don't expect the doctor to know exactly what's covered under our plans and what's not. So that was really comforting as well.
Overall, I'm happy that we have a plan, but it's seeming like more and more that it's my body causing the issue. DH will go for blood work and an SA, and maybe it's just the amount of testing they're going to perform on me that makes it seem that there's something that my body isn't doing properly to hold a live pregnancy. I'm having a mix of sadness and anger on that front. I feel like a bit of a failure now that we've finally seen a RE and this is all becoming that much more real. And a friend of mine said it best...this just plain sucks.
nectarine / 2641 posts
@2PeasinaPod: That does suck. I'm sorry. I'm glad you felt supported and that you may get some answers, though.
nectarine / 2834 posts
@2PeasinaPod: Before DD, I think it was so hard on me each time we didn't get pregnant because I felt like it was my fault. I can't tell you how many times I said I was a failure of a woman and that I couldn't even fulfill my most basic role. Those thoughts did nothing but damage. Even after both miscarriages (most likely due to low progesterone), I've started to feel like that, and I just try to remind myself that I didn't do anything wrong, and there is modern medicine that can help tweak things and there is nothing wrong with that.
pomelo / 5524 posts
@Jess1483: Yes...don't get me wrong, I'm eternally thankful that I am getting answers and we have a plan. And I'm horribly sorry for venting here when others would kill to even have LO. I think it's just all becoming very real that I'm the cause of the issue and it's making me awfully angry at myself.
@Tidybee: Thank you...this helps!
I'm so thankful that I can come to a place and feel safe sharing everything. If I offend anyone in any way, please let me know. Was just reading through some of the things said yesterday, and I hope I'm not a contributor to making anyone feel poorly. Wanted to get it out there
pomelo / 5129 posts
@2PeasinaPod: Even though I lot of us have been through different struggles, I think we can all see that our struggles have all been relative. And we can agree that although they're all different, they all suck!
I for one haven't thought you've said anything insensitive. I think we all can see that a struggle is a struggle. Even if some of us go through more or less than others, we're all entitled to feel whatever feelings we have.
That being said, I hate to hear women say that they are the cause of any issue related to IF.
I think you can only say that if you're actively doing something to prevent yourself from getting pregnant or abusing your body.
You have no control over what your body is doing, so please, don't blame yourself! Like Tidybee said, YOU haven't done anything wrong
nectarine / 2641 posts
@2PeasinaPod: I absolutely understand that. I also feel badly venting here when I have a wonderful son. But that doesn't mean we didn't have a loss and that it doesn't sting. I too am grateful for this safe space. I also have had thoughts about being unable to carry a baby and feeling inadequate, and that I may have contributed in some way. That damn latte, maybe I didn't wash the fruit well enough, maybe I shouldn't have lifted DS/gone on a hike/worked that event. I'll never know if any of those things contributed, and that part is a bit killer.
I, for one, have never been the slightest bit offended by anything you've written. I hope that's true of me as well
I'm having a pretty good day today. Trying to move on a bit. Enjoying the now (instead of mourning the future.) No promises that I'll be good tomorrow (or in 10 minutes), but it's nice for now.
pomelo / 5524 posts
@MaryM: @Jess1483: Thank you both!
@Jess1483: This is why this thread is great...it was clear that earlier in the week, I was having a few better days. Today, I'm having a crap day, and I'm ready for my vacation. I'm glad that when I'm having a crap day...you're having a good day and helping to lift me up and hope that I can do that for others when they're having crap days.
pomelo / 5524 posts
@MaryM: Just going to the Jersey shore. It will be LO's first experience with the beach and ocean! I'm excited, but fully expecting him to hate it
kiwi / 533 posts
So I got a call from the REs office this afternoon. DH and Is chromosome testing came back normal!! I am very happy about this.. But now want to know what the heck ??!! 3 miscarriages?!?all because of what? Is it really because a suspected arcuate uterus with a septum?
pomegranate / 3764 posts
@mrs bunchy: Were you using progesterone support for your pregnancies? I totally understand the WTF - part of me is sort of hoping for a random abnormality, so I don't just wonder forever.
pomegranate / 3764 posts
@simplyfelicity: I'm feeling much better now, thank goodness. Spotting gone again too... might actually risk the house without a granny pad on today!
@MaryM: I think that's an awesome idea. I'm overseas (in Australia) so understand if it's just easier to keep it US only, since I'm sure that's where most folks are.
@2PeasinaPod: Interesting appt. Have you heard of Asherman's Syndrome? My friend had it (found after numerous losses) and had some scar tissue removed, and fell pregnant on IVF straight after. Her baby was 10 months old & she fell... naturally! (I know, I know, one of THOSE stories, lol) I want to give you a giant hug. Part of me feels that the loss of this recent pregnancy was because of me somehow, so I can sympathise. x
@Tidybee: This, exactly. I spent so much time after our heartbreaking appt when we found out, telling hubby I felt like a total failure - how could my body have let this happen? I still struggle.
@Jess1483: Good for you, hon. I'm trying so hard to get to that point and look forward, rather than back.
kiwi / 533 posts
@jaguar: I had been using crinone progesterone this past pregnancy... And baby aspirin. What's even more of a kick in the gut is when you get the explanation of benefits for a d&c. it's like this all never ends.
I really have a soft spot in my heart for all of you ladies that just went though or have gone through a loss.. The consecutive ones are never easier than the previous.. And the first one feels like your world has shattered.
pomegranate / 3764 posts
@mrs bunchy: I used crinone in my first IVF transfer that didn't even implant - so they upped it to 400mg pessaries (twice a day) the following time. That was with Georgia, and worked - and with this baby, it didn't, so who knows?
What did they say about a d&c?
Hugs. xx
kiwi / 533 posts
@jaguar: I had the d&c the 7th and just getting bills, just stinks to have to relive it all now; again
Plus- anyone experience this? Still "bleeding" dark brown 2 weeks later ??
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