pomelo / 5129 posts
@ValentineMommy: I've felt the same way about people having girls. The thing that really changed my feelings about having kids (I didn't used to really want them) was my relationship with my mother. Men in DH's family don't exactly live long, and since my own father died my mom and I have been incredibly close. I really want that!
And out of the 12 or so people we know having/had babies this year, there's been maybe 2 boys. I think the jealousy rages so much less when it's a boy.
pomelo / 5524 posts
@simplyfelicity: & @TidyBee: Thank you both. It's horrible to say this, but after the second, I almost started to expect the miscarriage rather than looking forward to the ultrasound. It starts to become numbing. Though the 2 before LO were far harder than the 2 after LO. He's my sunshine for sure!
I wish none of us had to go through any of this.
pomelo / 5791 posts
@MaryM: Totally agree with everything you just said. I was adopted, and while my son looks SO much like me that it's weird, I want to be able to experience the mother/daughter relationship that my mom and I had. I want that so badly it hurts.
@2PeasinaPod: While I have only had one m/c, and pray so hard that I don't have another, I can not imagine what it would be like to have had my m/c before my son. He is definitely my sunshine as well, and many days the only thing that kept me going and got me out of bed.
Hugs all around today. I'm not sure why I'm so emotional or whatever. I just wish my damn period would get here already so I could stop wondering if my d&e ruined my insides forever. (Yea, I know that's crazy.....but I just can't shake the feeling of wanting to return to my old "normal")
pomelo / 5524 posts
@ValentineMommy: I know that feeling all too well. Returning to "normal" for me was so important and always took so long after my miscarriages. After each one, I got incredibly anxious. Heck, after the first one, we went to the Bahamas on vacation a month and a half after my D&E and I was standing in our hotel room FREAKING OUT. There I was, standing in paradise and I couldn't get a hold of myself. It's one of the worst feelings. Unfortunately, time was the only thing that helped me get back to feeling like myself and it took SOOOO long. Hope it's far faster for you!
pomelo / 5791 posts
@2PeasinaPod: Oh man, me too. I'm suffering from some pretty bad PPA, which I didn't realize would come on so suddenly, like it did after I had my son. Only it's worse now, with the "unknown" ahead of me.
Right now, I'm sitting here thinking about the weird stomach cramps I'm having. "Is it the start of af? Could I be so lucky? Nah, I'm not lucky. It's prob something bad. Do I somehow now have PCOS or is something else "wrong" with me?".......that's how my head works now. I have this extreme anxiety over my health.....and it's so persistent and nagging. I'm so exhausted of feeling like this.
nectarine / 2641 posts
I need to whine for a minute.
Yesterday, my SIL texted that her hcg levels came back super high and they were concerned about a molar pregnancy. She went in for an ultrasound today and the baby is fine. Don't get me wrong, I'm super thrilled that my niece/nephew is fine, but at the same time, it was a bit of a punch in the gut to play out pretty much the same convo I had with her two weeks ago with a very different outcome. And now her due date is literally the day after I was due.
In addition to my birthday Monday, it's DH's and my 3rd anniversary today. All of these special celebrations just totally suck. My toddler has been a total mess the last couple of days (I even yelled at him today), and I'm literally falling apart. I'm trying to keep it together at work right now.
nectarine / 2641 posts
Edit: I'm failing to keep it together at work right now. Luckily none of my employees have come in yet.
pomelo / 5791 posts
@Jess1483: Hugs, sweetie. I have really bad days too. A few days ago I literally cried on the floor while my DS (toddler) laughed at me. Which only made me cry more. I feel your pain though. Two of my coworkers are preg (one's EDD is my birthday and the other is DS's bday), my hair colorist is due the week after my edd was (and is having a c-sec, so it will prob be right on the date), and 3 close friends are preg. I feel like every day someone else is telling me they're pregnant and I just want to scream and avoid everyone and basically hide until I'm pregnant again. I know that sounds childish or whatever, but I've never wanted to hide for so long in my life! Hugs!!!
cantaloupe / 6634 posts
Pretty sure I am going to leave HB. This place just reminds me of my losses and the recent snarky/catty mood just puts it over the top. I just wanted to say "thank you" for helping me through this. I appreciate it so much that words can't do it justice
pomegranate / 3533 posts
@simplyfelicity: Wish you all the best! Nobody has time for drama...and we all need to protect ourselves, when necessary!
cantaloupe / 6634 posts
@FliegepilzHut: @mrs bunchy: Thanks, ladies. I think I probably just need a break and maybe all this stuff will be sorted out. It's also really hard to come on here and see all the pregnancy stuff... I think I knew I needed a break and then seeing all the ish today unfold was just the cherry on top. I hope all you guys are mega knocked up next time I come around.
nectarine / 2641 posts
@simplyfelicity: You will be missed, but I understand. I am relatively new to HB, so I haven't noticed as much, but I can sense the undertones and negativity, and between that and reading posts that remind us of losses, I totally get it. Prayers for a sticky, amazing baby for you in the near future.
pomegranate / 3764 posts
@Jess1483: Big hugs to your husband. Mine doesn't talk about it much, but that's just his way of processing. And hon... I GET IT. My SIL is having her 13 week scan next week (and is due days from when I was) and I'm so excited but also utterly sad and jealous that it's not us too, like it should have been.
@MaryM: I've been on Metformin since 2004. 2000mg daily, maximum dose they'll give out over here. I stayed on it all through pregnancy with my daughter, breastfeeding, etc, and stayed on it through this pregnancy too.. so in this case, it made no difference.
@ValentineMommy: Big hugs. I could have sworn I was having Baby girl #2 as well, so I totally understand the feeling.
@2PeasinaPod: Oh hon. This makes me so sad. xxx
@simplyfelicity: If you want to stay in touch, message me. We can do it outside of HB.
nectarine / 2834 posts
@simplyfelicity: no no no no. No! Don't go!! Just ignore the drama. I pay no attention to it and only surround myself with positive people here. The other stuff is just not worth my precious time!
cantaloupe / 6634 posts
@Tidybee: @jaguar: @Jess1483: @mrs bunchy: Ok, I decided to stay and block all the other stuff. I hope you know it wasn't one of those "oh, please beg me to stay!" kind of things. I have just been so overwhelmed and then coming on here and seeing the negativity just really got to me. I feel like I have enough of that already. Anyway, I think you guys are amazing and (despite all the stupid crap that happened here today) I hope we keep this thread going. I need this.
cantaloupe / 6634 posts
To get back on track...
I went to a D & C follow up appointment today and the OB didn't event check me. Just asked me how I was doing physically/emotionally, told me no sex for for three weeks (yikes!) and told me I will get my baby next time. Ummmmm....can I get that in writing? Definitely didn't need an appointment for that.
pomegranate / 3764 posts
@simplyfelicity: Really? What a waste. How ARE you feeling?
Three weeks, hey? I was wondering when we'd get the all clear again. That and baths. I could LIVE in a hot, hot bath right now.
We have our appt on Monday so I'll ask then. It'll be 2 weeks then. TWO WEEKS? It feels like years.
I saw my GP yesterday (she wanted to follow up with me because I wasn't sleeping last week after the loss and she prescribed some sleeping tablets - all fine now, btw) - things still felt a bit 'heavy' down below, so she did a physical internal, pressed around a bit, and everything seemed ok; no obvious painful spots, just still a bit tender. I wonder what follow up the OB will do, if any.
cantaloupe / 6634 posts
@jaguar: It feels like I was pregnant a lifetime ago.
The appointment seriously was a waste. Physically, I am feeling ok and today was a much better day emotionally. I could actually function at work--yay!
I am totally obsessed with taking baths. I want to get some stuff from Lush, a HUGE glass of wine and just...soak. I am glad to hear your GP thought everything looked good. As much as I hate internal checks, I kind of wished mine had (just for reassurance) but she seemed happy with my description of the bleeding and cramping.
pomegranate / 3764 posts
@simplyfelicity: Are you still bleeding/cramping?
I LOVE Lush! Lush soaks with wine and a good book ... that's what I'll do as soon as I get the all clear.
pomelo / 5791 posts
@FliegepilzHut: Thank you!!
@jaguar: It's an awful feeling, isn't it? I recently named the "baby", even though I had a blighted ovum, so there never really was one. It made me feel a little better just to have something so concrete, you know? As for the "all clear"....you basically just have to wait until the bleeding stops. For most people they say within 2 weeks (or so I was told, and I read similar stories), but since I bled for two months....I had to wait 2 months. I wanted a bath SOOO bad. And to swim!! My entire summer was basically wasted
@simplyfelicity: I'm so glad you decided to stay. Other people's drama and whatnot is no reason for you to not get the support you need! I'm sorry about your followup. I felt the same way - they barely even listened to me until I started calling almost daily with problems. Sigh. Our two weeks of no sex post d&e turned into 2 MONTHS, so I can understand your frustrations! OMG and you mentioned Lush - lol! Love their stuff!
pomelo / 5524 posts
@Jess1483: @ValentineMommy: Lots of hugs. I'm sorry you're both not having great days.
@simplyfelicity: So glad you decided to stay! I had the same appointment after my last MC. Such a waste.
@jaguar: Lots of luck at your appointment on Monday.
Headed to the RE today at 2:30. I'm fully prepared for lots of testing and questions. Here's hoping that things go ok and we have an action plan once I go for all of the testing she'll inevitably ask for.
pomelo / 5791 posts
@2PeasinaPod: at your appointment! Thank you for the hugs I need them!!
nectarine / 2641 posts
@2PeasinaPod: Good luck at your appt!
So...I totally lost it at Target today. I (stupidly) bought diapers when they were on that awesome sale a couple weeks ago. I decided to try to exchange a box for a size that fits my son (we mostly use cloth, which is why I hadn't bought them originally). I went in and there was some trouble (not their fault at all) and I totally lost it thinking these diapers were supposed to be for my baby. The poor kid called his manager over and by this time I was sobbing and felt I had to explain why I was sobbing (I probably should have just let them wonder, but I didn't want the manager to think the kid had done anything wrong). Anyway, they let me exchange the diapers and gave me a $15 gift card, but ugh. I felt so ridiculous. I need to be able to get ahold of myself. I think I pushed some of it aside when I was on vacation (well, I know I did, on purpose), so I feel like I should be doing better a week out, but, well, I'm not.
On a positive (?) note, I'm almost done bleeding, I think, so it doesn't seem like the miscarriage was too traumatic on my body. I'm hoping that's a good sign for TTC.
I'm finding a lot of solace in blogs/stories right now, and this one is in a local magazine that I really liked. http://mamalode.com/story/detail/there-was-another
nectarine / 2834 posts
@ValentineMommy: OF course there was a baby in your blighted ovum. You lost a little life...he or she was just so little. But still there. @2PeasinaPod: Good luck! I felt 100x better after talking with the RE before DD. I hope you have the same experience. @Jess1483: I'm over a month out, and I still tear up and have moments where I feel like the breath is kicked out of me every single day. I told this to my nurse yesterday, and she assured me that this was normal and will happen for quite some time. I agree...especially until the next pregnancy happens or until the due date has passed or something. I think this is just one of these things that time lessens the blow. I read a great article and it said time turns the sharp pain into a dull ache. I try to not beat myself up for being sad...it's something that will be sad til the day I die.
@simplyfelicity: right before my miscarriage, the nurse who didn't seem to know what was going on, asked me for a urine sample, but I had literally peed in the office bathroom while waiting to be called in. She responded with - oh well, I'm sure it'll be positive and we'll just get one the next time...but don't go at the next appointment. In my head, I was thinking - lady, there isn't going to be a next appointment.
I had my follow-up yesterday. It was scheduled for 6 weeks after my D&C. I did feel like we got a lot of out of it. After my first d&c, i was seen 2 weeks after and it was so pointless. This time, the doctor and I talked about how I had healed, the fact that my period had started and how to move forward. We got the okay to try again and just call their office as soon as I get a BFP, even at 8-9dpo, so they can call in a script for progesterone and get me in for blood tests. I'm so happy they're going to be monitoring me closely.
pomelo / 5791 posts
@Tidybee: Thank you for saying that! I sometimes feel like it wasn't as real as another later term loss, so I really appreciate your comment! That's great that they're going to closely monitor you next time. I pray the next one is sticky!!!
nectarine / 2641 posts
@Tidybee: I'm so glad you had a good and useful follow-up. I'm hoping I'll get closer monitoring next time, even just for peace of mind, but they may not do that with just one miscarriage. I feel like there will be no joy in early pregnancy next time, just anxiety. (Don't get me wrong, I'll be excited, but it will never be the same).
pomelo / 5129 posts
@ValentineMommy: I agree with @Tidybee:
One of the things I loved most about my practice is that from the point of the BFP, they always call it a "baby"
They don't use the terms "chemical pregnancy" or "blighted ovum" or anything other than miscarriage or loss of pregnancy.
It was definitely a baby
@Tidybee: I'm glad your follow up went well. I sure hope you're calling them back soon
@Jess1483: "I feel like there will be no joy in early pregnancy next time, just anxiety." I wonder about this too. But...with my last BFP, I had MAJOR anxiety from the beginning...like I knew something was wrong.
I'm really hoping that maybe when I get KU again, if everything's ok, maybe I'll just know (similar to how I knew something wasn't right)?
cantaloupe / 6630 posts
@Jess1483: Don't beat yourself up about that, it is totally normal to cry in public. It's so very hard to control emotions regarding a miscarriage.
@ValentineMommy: Exactly what @Tidybee: said. Of course there was a little baby in there. I hope naming it has brought you some peace.
I went to church the other day to light a candle for my baby in the sky and also one as a candle of hope for this cycle. It helped, actually, I think I will regularly light a candle for my lost baby.
This is a weird question, but, for those of you who got an ultrasound picture of the baby you lost, have you shown anyone? I asked for a picture the day the miscarriage was confirmed, I love it. But only DH has seen it, apart from me. I kind of want to show people it, especially my family. Is that weird? Should I not go there? It's the sweetest little picture, honestly, very clear for 8 weeks.
nectarine / 2641 posts
@travelgirl1: I have a picture. I don't think we'll show it to anyone, but DH and I have decided against a tree (what if it dies? What if we move?) I think instead we'll create a memory box, and we'll definitely put the picture in there. Maybe someday we will share it with others, maybe we won't.
And thank you. Sometimes we just need permission to grieve.
cantaloupe / 6630 posts
@Jess1483: I have a memory box, I love it. I keep it on a shelf in the living room, not out of sight but not the centre of attention either. Just the sight of it brings me great comfort.
pomelo / 5791 posts
@MaryM: and @travelgirl1: Thank you so much ladies! Naming the baby somehow gave me some closure. I still feel like crap however. lol
FWIW, I named the baby Cameron. DH and I, when naming DS, didn't want a unisex name, but that is the one name we both liked anyway!
@Jess1483: and @MaryM: "I feel like there will be no joy in early pregnancy next time, just anxiety." I somehow missed that comment, but I feel exactly the same. And MaryM, I also felt extreme anxiety from the beginning of this pregnancy and kept making remarks about losing it. Somehow I knew, and I resented everyone around me when it happened, when they had all been telling me it was in my head. I think, and hope, that when everything's ok that you just know. I really hope so anyway.
@travelgirl1: I think it's totally fine to show your family the picture if they want to see it. I wish I had even seen anything, but they turned the screen away from me every time. That made me feel even worse, like I wasn't allowed to even see my own insides.
nectarine / 2641 posts
@ValentineMommy: @MaryM: I felt like I knew this pregnancy was off, too. Even from the time I got the BFP. I wanted to hope, but it always felt wrong. I'm hopeful that means I'll know it's right next time...
pomelo / 5791 posts
@Jess1483: I hope so too! I just went back and re-read my first post the day I got my bfp. Even then I sounded unsure.
nectarine / 2834 posts
Having been through this twice now, I will say there's definitely less excitement than before the miscarriages. With DD's BFP, I cried all day long out of happiness.
I remember getting BFP#3 (m/c #2), and my first thought was - oh boy, here we go again. That's even how i told my husband. I was like, um, so I took a pregnancy test, and here, look, it's positive. so, yeah, um, hopefully this one is different. Once we saw the heartbeat, I let myself get excited and really thought we'd be having a baby on Feb 2. The next day all hell broke loose (progesterone level came back at 6), and I'm still so mad at getting hopeful.
@2peasinapod said yesterday that you come to expect the next one. I mistakenly said to my doctor, "when I start spotting the next time". Not if...when. It's like it's bound to happen which i know is crazy. But at this point, I've had way more heartache associated with TTC/and pregnancy than joy.
I know it will be with mixed emotions that I see that pink line. But damnit, I'll try to embrace the new baby as a fresh start!
nectarine / 2834 posts
@travelgirl1: I thought of you as I had my final ultrasound which confirmed miscarriage. I was wondering if I should ask. The tech snapped a few pics and printed them, so I thought she'd offer them. I just chickened out and didn't ask. I still wonder if I want it. The baby is so engrained in my head that I won't forget what it looks like, but I still see it multiple times during the day and my heart stops each time. Maybe having a photo would get it out of my brain so much. but I think I'd spend hours just staring at the photo and having something tangible could still be just as painful. I just don't know...
pomelo / 5129 posts
@travelgirl1: I'm hoping that the reason I've been able to "let go" a little this cycle (it's CD9 and I haven't peed on anything yet!) is that I lit a candle last week (I lit it for myself and everyone struggling TTC, so you all can claim it ). I've been struggling faith-wise, so i think the small steps might be helping. And DH is going to church with me this sunday which I'm super happy with!
For pictures, I didn't really realize until after the MC that I never got one. But there was nothing other than the sac to see, so maybe that's why? But if it brings you comfort to share it with your loved ones, I think you should.
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