Lo is a month old and I'm still feeling really bitter/sad about his birth. I originally had thoughts of going natural but then was induced due to somewhat high BP at 39w5d. I didn't progress past 2cm, 90% effaced after overnight cervadil and almost 10hrs of pitocin which resulted in a c-section even tho neither of us were in distress. There are so many things I wish I would have done differently - postponed the induction, insisted on more time/different intervention before c-section...the whole experience was the complete opposite of what I wanted. I have a hard time reading everyone else's birth stories especially people that had a successful induction. I'm always thinking that if we had waited, would that have been me? I have my 6 week pp checkup in 2 weeks and am dreading it bc i dont want to talk to the Dr. that delivered B and "did this to me". Everyone I've tried to talk to about it doesn't understand and tells me I should be happy that we are both healthy and that it's over and done with. I'm already decided that I want try for a VBAC when the time comes and will more than likely change doctors. (this also has to do with the hospital I delivered at)

If anyone can relate or offer advice/support I'd really appreciate it. I know I'm not the only one who's felt this way. : /