LO is turning 3 next week and was going to just celebrate with a dinner out (tired pregnant me) but she's been singing about her birthday since like July. Also, this will be her last bday as an only child so I did want to do something special for her.

Hence, last minute planning. I reserved a kids cafe type place for two hours on a Sunday from 3-5pm. We invited 6 of her friends (all 3 yrs old). The kids play in the play area for 80 minutes and the last 40 minutes or so we get the party room.

I'm thinking of having cake, fruit tray, and a cracker tray. Originally, I was going to order pizza but it's kind of early for dinner at 4pm. Should I just order it?

Thankfully, no need for decorations but I was going to do a small banner. Also some sort of favors for the kids. Any ideas that's not plastic?

Thanks in advance!