March is almost here! I wanted to pick some books that people could jump in on even if they haven't totally kept up with the reading so I leaned towards nonfiction options that you could skip around in. I will close this on Sunday so people can order the books. All of these should be pretty easy to find and I doubt they will have long wait lists if they have a wait list at all. Paper back copies were about $10 for each on Amazon except Nurture Shock which was $16.

Nurture Shock - 352 pages; This book explores the changes that have taken place in parenting and what child development research tells us are the ideal ways to handle things. The book covers praise, sleep and race among other things.

The Happiness Project - 336 pages; This book chronicles a woman who decided to see if she could find little ways to boost her happiness. Each month she chose a handful of mini resolutions and worked on them and she shares her successes and failures. She shares many good "take away" points that you can apply to your own life and offers help setting up your own Happiness Project.

How to Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk - 300 pages but I have been assured it is a quick read. My in-laws and several other people I know swear this is the best parenting book out there. It offers practical rather than philosophical advice.

Bright Side Up: 100 Ways to be Happier Right Now - 256 pages; An Oprah suggestion, this book is filled with practical easy to implement ideas to boost your daily happiness.