I know this is a little off topic for this board but I've been here through infertility and then a divorce so I thought why not

My boyfriend and I have been together for a year and a half and we bought a house in December. We've both been married (and divorced) and each have children from the previous relationships. We can't have any more kids.

Anyways, he bought me a ring. When he gave it to me, he said "here, I hope you like it. I love you." Granted, he has been somewhat upfront about not wanting to get married again and I have always respected that. Long story short, he basically wants me to wear this ring to show I am "unavailable" but it isn't an engagement ring. Everyone is asking if it's a promise ring and he says that it sounds "too high school."

I didn't think I would be bothered by this but I am. I would be open to getting married again but I know he isn't. I guess this bothers me because now everyone is asking if we are engaged and I just have to say no. I know I don't owe anyone an explanation but also being called a "girlfriend" when I'm like 50 yrs old (28 now) doesn't sit right with me. I don't know what I'm looking for here.. venting? Advice? I just feel weird walking around with a beautiful ring on my hand that I don't want anyone to notice.