So, the boys are starting a new daycare on Monday. They said for their age that they require we send them in underwear with extra changes of clothes. They're almost three, so I'm totally fine with them potty training. We've tried it a couple of times, and they can and have done both kinds of jobs on the potty before. The only reason we stopped last time is because on Day 2 they just started freaking out every time we said it was time to go sit on the potty. We knew they could physically do it since they had hardly any accidents the first day and a half but that maybe they just weren't emotionally ready. Anyway, the daycare knows they aren't potty trained yet, and they said just to send them in underwear and not worry about it.

I work M-W, so we had assumed that we would spend the four days before they start daycare doing potty training so they would be somewhat trained by the time they started. It just clicked in my head, however, that I am leaving town Friday-Sunday. DH will do whatever, but potty training twins when your solo parenting three kids under three sounds really miserable.

Should he go ahead and try to get them in the habit of it or just start the underwear on Monday morning? I feel bad making the daycare take the full weight of the first few days of potty training, and I hope it won't make them kind of annoyed with the boys from the very beginning. Maybe I'm being irrational about that, though. So, what would you do in this situation?