I had this conversation with my mum today and I'm committing it to the Peanut Gallery! Seriously, I can't believe people actually think like this - that finding a man is the be all and end all *shakes head*
Mum: [to Elliott] Are you going to be a Princess when you grow up? Of course you are, you're so pretty!
Me: Why would she want to be a Princess? Surely she should want to be a brilliant scientist or something?
Mum: But a Princess gets waited on.
Me: Huh?? But if she was a scientist she could build robots or something to wait on her, if that's what she wants!
Mum: But if she's a Princess, she gets a tiara!
Me: If she works hard at school and gets an awesome job she can buy herself a tiara.
Mum: That's the problem with you, you're too cynical! You've gotta have dreams.
Me: Have you got dreams? Yeah? And how's that working out for you? Have you got a tiara??
Mum: But the Princess always gets the Prince!
Me: *outraged* What does she need a Prince for? There's nothing a Prince can do for her that she can't do for herself!!
So, in case you are wondering, plan A is Elliott is going to marry Prince George but we are going to encourage her to work hard at school so that in the unlikely event that plan A doesn't work out she has a fall back option!