LO just started taking a serious interest in solids the past week and subsequently has been having crying poops They don't look especially rotten (based off the bristol poop chart) but obviously he is uncomfortable/in pain. This is the first time they've been actual formed blobs instead of just goo.
Pedi said "he's not constipated unless it's rabbit poop" My niece has had serious, chronic constipation issues her whole life and I am TERRIFIED of starting him on that cycle.
For the past 72 hours he has only eaten prunes, pears, and peaches and drank water (and nursed of course). Still fussing/crying a bit while pooping.
Is yogurt good (probiotics) or bad (dairy) for constipation? The Walgreens by me no longer has the Biogaia probiotics so I have to order them off line.
Help!! I don't want my little guy to be uncomfortable