So I had my 34 week appointment today and my midwife was on me a bit about the fact that I am not planning to take a childbirth or breastfeeding class. I explained that I didn't really feel like it was necessary because I've done SO much in the way of researching myself, reading the books, talking to friends, researching online, etc. She seemed convinced (enough) that I was prepared but said she worries about dads who don't go to the classes because they generally DON'T do the research themselves and can be a hinderance to the process (of either med free birth or breastfeeding) if they don't understand what is going on.

She *strongly* suggested I start making my husband "read the books" to get himself prepared.

The thing is… he honestly doesn't have time. He works full time and is also going to school at night (and this semester is really kicking his ass homework wise). Plus he is not a natural "reader" and has a really hard time reading long boring stuff. If I had a hard time getting through my Natural Birth (Ina May's) and Breastfeeding books, he has 0 chance. I don't feel that worried about him because we talk a LOT about all of this stuff and I think I've educated him pretty well, and he has watched The Business of Being Born with me. He's also super supportive of my med-free and breastfeeding goals and is the personality type to support me in whatever I want/tell him without pushing his opinions on me.

But still. It will make me feel better at our next appointment if I can tell the midwife he read SOMETHING. So can anyone recommend any good (and concise!!) resources for dads? I'm not looking for a 300 page guidebook here, maybe just something geared towards guys to make sure they've gotten the most important info?