What types of candy do you tie with your childhood memories?
One of the first things that comes to mind for me is pixie stix. Now that I'm a parent I can't believe how much of them I ate, so bad!
What types of candy do you tie with your childhood memories?
One of the first things that comes to mind for me is pixie stix. Now that I'm a parent I can't believe how much of them I ate, so bad!
pomelo / 5573 posts
Haribo gummy bears. We lived in Holland for 3 years (they weren't available in Canada) and my mom used to send little packages of them in my lunch.
pomelo / 5084 posts
Those pixie stix type things that had a sugar spoon and packets of colored sugar. Know what I'm talking about?? How gross. Haha.
GOLD / wonderful olive / 19030 posts
I was a candy crazy kid! I loved anything packed full of fruity sugar: Sprees, Sweetarts, giant jawbreakers, ect.
@wrkbrk: I totally know what you are talking about, Fun Dips! SOOOO gross but they remind me of watching my sister play softball, they were available at the concession stands!
pomegranate / 3973 posts
Footlong tootsie rolls and Laffy Taffy's Ropes.
I used to save up all the change I could find to buy them and pay in penny's and nickles.
nectarine / 2951 posts
Fun Dip
Swedish Red Fish
Big League Chew
Ew, I ingested so much sugar as a kid!
persimmon / 1445 posts
I loved Fun Dip and Ring Pops!! I can't believe my parents let me have that stuff grossssss.
apricot / 443 posts
I was just thinking about this! I just asked my husband if he remembered gummies like these ones.
nectarine / 2210 posts
War heads. I used to always test myself and see how many I could eat at a time.
persimmon / 1322 posts
Hershey's kisses with almonds when I was super little. Skittles, nerds, butterfinger bebes, junior mints, smarties, warheads, lifesavers. We ate a lot of candy apparently.
pomegranate / 3350 posts
Those sheets of paper that had those small little candy dots on them. How gross!
And wax tubes filled with some kind of liquid. Does anyone remember them?
Later on I think red hots and those really sour jawbreaker things. Gummy peach rings.
So much YUCK!
pomegranate / 3872 posts
Red and black licorice laces and candy cigarettes (the white ones with the red tip, not the gum ones!)
grapefruit / 4584 posts
Airheads (those sour taffy bars) -I remember getting them at Costco in a huge bulk pack once..
Also sour patch kids, chewy sweetarts, shock tarts....holy sugar rush
pomegranate / 3393 posts
My dad would give me a KitKat after getting vaccines and shots!
In elementary school there was a craze for sour lemons, the kind with the super acidic powder coating, we used to have competitions to see who could keep them in their mouths the longest.
In Jr high, we had a fundraiser selling kudos granola bars after school. Omg I ate so many... are those still around?
In my teenage years, my friends and I used to love snacking on sour patch kids and Snapple.
Just remembered! Bazooka bubble gum, we used to stop in at 7-11 on the walk home from school and get these, or blow pops (lollipops with gum inside)...
And I wondered why I was a fat kid...
clementine / 854 posts
Spice Girls gum, the ones with the stickers in it. I think I still have a sticker book somewhere full of them!
I use to love Ring Pops too.
grapefruit / 4988 posts
After I got my braces off in 6th grade, I remember my parents bought me a whole box of Charleston Chews (they were my favorite and I wasn't allowed to eat them because they'd pull my braces off). I used to freeze them and crack them into tiny pieces before eating them.
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