My little guy is 4.5 weeks old, and I'm trying to get a handle on what "drowsy but awake" means for his naps and bedtime. I've read that once as a baby yawns, he is tired and to put him to bed. However, little E will yawn and then his eyes fly wide open. Even if I start the sleep process at that point by swaddling, rocking and singing a lullaby, if I put him to bed in that state, it's almost a 100% guarantee that I'll have to rinse and repeat several times for up to an hour.

Is this just part of it and I have to suck it up, or should I be waiting longer? A lot of times I try to wait until his eyes are drooping, but that usually doesn't happen until at least 20 minutes after the yawns begin, and I worry that he'll be overtired at that point and that I'm not giving him a chance to fall asleep early enough.

Did any of your little ones do the same thing, where they would yawn but otherwise seem wide awake? What kind of sleep training/putting to bed strategies did you use?

Thanks in advance!