Sorry, this is really long!

I am really passionate about car seat safety. Understanding your car seat, and ensuring your child is safe is easy enough (we have good resources these days), is a really amazing way to keep babies safer!

It kills me to see people turn their kids to front facing after a year. It's just not safe ... In fact, recommendations say to keep kiddos rear facing until they are 4. I shared this on FB today: (if you don't click, it's basically busting the myths surrounding extended rear facing), as I like to send this kind of information out as a PSA to friends. Again, once you realize you're doing something unsafe, you can un-do it. You CAN fix this one.

Soooo, with that said, I was just scrolling through FB, and saw three friends with their kids (under 2) in FF seats. Would you message them with information? I just NEVER know how to handle that. It's not a matter of opinion (like breastmilk vs. formula ... disposables vs. cloth ... co-sleeping vs. crib, etc.), it's a matter of fact. **Not trying to spark any debates with those points**

When my daughter was little, I sat her car seat on top of the shopping cart (it seemed like it fit), and I didn't know that was bad until a friend privately messaged me (after seeing a photo) and told me how dangerous it was. I felt like a shitty mom ... I think I even cried. But, I was thankful that she shared that with me, and didn't think badly of her at all.

So, is it out of line to pass info to friends? How do you do this without sounding like an a-hole?