We had our first day driving into daycare today, rather than taking public transit (just moved and public transit is now much less convenient). It's a few miles in stop and go city traffic and takes 30-40 minutes. DS got super carsick at the end.
What can I do to reduce this? He's still rear facing, so impossible for him to really see objects outside the car, which I know is what they say helps. He got car sick after watching a 3 minute or so video (the only thing I gave him to look at on the ride). I can cut out videos but feel like it's hard to expect him to stay entertained without a book or anything, since he is rear facing so can't see out.... He ate breakfast over an hour before we left, and is not a big breakfast eater anyways, so I'm not sure what I can fix there... Just really hoping there is a way to prevent this...