I'm sure this has been posted many times, but I'm so conflicted and wanted to get people's advice/opinions.

I've been working at my current, cushy, government gig for almost 5 years and have just recently vested in the pension plan (this is a huge milestone that I've been waiting for). I know I'm in line for a promotion to my boss's job, but that won't happen for another at least 5 years (basically, he has to quit or retire). My current position is OK, but it's definitely not challenging and I know the longer I stay here, the less marketable I am in the private industry. Before this offer, I had resigned myself to just remaining here until retirement.

In the past few years, I've turned down multiple offers from other companies because we were trying to conceive and I wasn't willing to leave this cushy gig until I knew what our "family" situation was going to be. Now that I've vested, I'm more open to leaving my current gig and it just so happens that I received a request for an interview with a very prominent up-and-coming company. Even if I stay at this company for a couple of years, just having it on my resume would be great.

I'd make more money, be able to build my team and the position from the ground up and even possibly, get some potential equity in the company. The downside is that I'd probably work a lot more hours which means that my family time would be much more limited. Our LO is currently 8 months.

I always thought that being a Mom would be priority number one, but now that the this opportunity has come into the picture, I'm really excited and I haven't been this excited in a long time....I'm almost feeling guilty that I would even think about sacrificing some of my mommy time to career time.

Should I even consider moving? I'd lose my cushy government gig and may never find another one like it...is it worth the risk?