Surely my DD can't be the only 16 month old who routinely vomits in the car, so I'm hoping the hive has some advice.
Basically she can't tell me she's feeling sick, our only warning is a cough and then she throw up. We've stocked the car with paper bags and paper towel for clean up and I now only travel with multiple changes of clothes in case she gets sick. We've tried not feeding her before long drives but that doesn't always work when you are trying to plan trips with nap time so she sleeps...
I am terrified of driving alone with her. Luckily, we live in a major city so we very rarely take the car. When we do it tends to be 3 hr trips to visit family. She throws up about every other time. I just feel so bad for her and wish I could give her dramamine, but it's only approved after 24m. So Bees, what have you done to help your toddler's car sickness?