Wow, tonight we had a scare at home. My DD actually choked on a piece of veggie during dinner. She had taken too big of a chunk and it was lodged at the back of her throat. She tried to cough it out but it wasn't coming out and so I tried the sweep and it was only pushing it further back into her airways.
I had my husband take her out of her highchair and I immediately went straight to perform the heimlich on her with back blows. The stem literally came flying out of her mouth and then she threw up all the milk she had drank previously.
I remained incredibly calm through the whole thing while my in-laws were in panic mode. Needless to say, I'm super thankful for my training and that I was able to remain in control in an emergency situation like this.
I'm already CPR certified because of the nature of my job, but it makes me think that no matter what parents of small children, especially should definitely consider getting certified. Tonight I'm extremely thankful for my training.
Just out of curiousity, how many parents here are CPR certified? How many became certified because of their children?