I'm a little baffled by my chart. I have had a few confusing ones since I began charting in March, but I wasn't trying to conceive so I sort of let them go. When I showed the charts to my midwife at the pre-conception visit, she said she thought it looked like I was ovulating every month.

One trend is that typically my temps stay high until right before I get fertile CM. I can't find much about this in Taking Charge of Your Fertility, but it makes identifying the "cover line" pretty challenging.

I have also noted that I seem to have a slower thermal shift after ovulation. But I"m freaking myself out thinking that there has been at least one month in which I didn't ovulate, and that this month might be similar- based on the lack of a thermal shift so far.

Here is my chart for this month so far: http://www.fertilityfriend.com/home/3be9e6

thoughts? & thank you in advance!