Sleep training seems so overwhelming to me. I have read all the HB guides on sleep training and read the boards on it when it comes up. I don't really want to read any additional books on it because I think the HB guides to a good job of summing it up and I don't want to get bogged down in more methods.

I pretty much single parent during the if you could put together a sleep training it "pre-sleep training" what would it have on it?

We don't usually get home from daycare/running errands until 530-6 on weeknights. He goes to daycare M-F. Typically, I feed when we get home at 6, and then put him in his bouncer or playmat while I do things around the house. But, I've gotten into the habit of holding him or playing with him, which kills my time and makes me 10x more tired the next day. His last feeding has been around 830-9 and can last until 10 when I put him in his crib. He's been waking about 2x a night, usually between 12-1 and 3-4. I get him up in the morning around 630a...and he is 17 weeks old. Not sure if any of that info would be helpful to any bees that can help me out?