
What did your follicles look like at your mid-cycle ultrasound?

1. Were you on clomid (dose?)
2. Follicle size and how many?
3. What cycle day was the ultrasound?
4. Better news than the month prior?

I just had my mid-cycle yesterday. I am on 50mg of clomid and am pretty happy with the results. I miscarried in March and have been having ultrasounds to check follicle size for the past 3 months. Month 1 and 2 were unmedicated and I would only produce 1 sad follicle; month one it was 16mm at cd12 and month two it was 13 at cd14. This month however, I have 2 good ones at cd11 (my ob is leaving for the week so I went in early). Both are the rt ovary and are 17mm and 16mm. Uterine lining is good! He suspects they will grow by 2mm/day which would be the biggest I've had them!
Any thoughts/experience?