Mamas who cloth diaper: do you use cloth or disposable wipes? If you use cloth, how many do you have, and do you have a special cleaning formula you use? Do you spray each wipe before using it? How many do you think you go through a day?
Mamas who cloth diaper: do you use cloth or disposable wipes? If you use cloth, how many do you have, and do you have a special cleaning formula you use? Do you spray each wipe before using it? How many do you think you go through a day?
hostess / wonderful watermelon / 39513 posts
I use cloth wipes and I have about 50...half are thick terry cloth wipes and the other half are thinner flannel wipes. I use less than 10 a day now that her poos are more solid. I just use water as my solution and keep the wipes in my wipe warmer.
clementine / 959 posts
I have 60 spa silk washcloths from amazon. I just wet a bunch every day and put them in a bowl.
pomegranate / 3275 posts
I use disposable wipes, but I am a recent convert to cloth diapering.
GOLD / wonderful grape / 20289 posts
I use cloth at home and disposable for poops and travel. I have about 20, I just use baby wash cloths and spray water on her tush before wiping.
cantaloupe / 6146 posts
I have 6 cloth wipes and a bunch of disposable ones. For poop I use disposables, for pee I use a (DRY!) cloth wipe or use plain water and then dump it in the wet pail.
nectarine / 2834 posts
@MamaBehr: DH and I are having this debate tonight. Is this still fairly easy? I just realized we'll have to get another trashcan just for wipes...
pomegranate / 3008 posts
Cloth wipes are awesome compared to disposable wipes - they clean so much better! We have about 30 wipes (Thirsties Fab Wipes are our favorite), which is more than we would usually need but is great to have when your baby is sick and has diarrhea. We dampen about 5-6 wipes with plain water at a time, squeeze them out, and put them in the travel wipes case. This is usually enough for a day but occasionally we prep a few wipes more partway through the day.
pomegranate / 3275 posts
@tidybee I have to admit that I don't have a very good system down, but I can't imagine also using cloth wipes. I was thinking about looking into flushable wipes (but I have a feeling they are expensive).
wonderful pear / 26210 posts
It depends...some days I use washcloths, the soft ones from Carters or Gerber, I just wet them under the sink as needed. We use only water to clean.
Other days I use cut up diaper liners. I also just wet as needed. I don't flush them, though. They go in our regular garbage.
coconut / 8498 posts
We only use cloth wipes and have about 40 (way more than necessary). We keep 2 spray bottles on the changing table - one with plain water (for pee) and the other with Kissaluvs Diaper Lotion Potion solution (for poop). We just spray her bottom and then dry her off with the wipes.
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts
I LOVE LVOE LOVE the grovia wipes - they are awesome.
We have a pack of those, a pack of flannel wipes and then I made my own out of receiving blankets.
I made my own solution when he was a newborn using water, olive oil, baby wash and essential oils.
Now that he is older I just use water and baby wash.
I put it in a dish soap dispenser that I washed and cleaned out. I just squirt it on the wipe as I use it.
blogger / nectarine / 2010 posts
We have cloth wipes by a uk company cheey wipes. We have about 80 but 50 is plenty for a week. I keep about a dozen wet at a time with just plain water and clean the container and make fresh ones every other day. Plain water works best for us.
blogger / nectarine / 2010 posts
California Baby makes a bum spray that I use when he's particularly dirty.
pomegranate / 3983 posts
Until the past couple of months we used cloth wipes. We just had flannel fabric cut/hemmed and had a spray bottle with water. We would wet as necessary. We have a lot- maybe 40 or 50 but only ended up using about 20/25 in rotation.
GOLD / pear / 1845 posts
We use cloth wipes (half flannel and half baby washclothes) with a spray bottle with water. I'm not sure how many I have, least 20?
If you use disposable wipes with cloth diapers you have to have a garbage for them. The cloth wipes are less work, I think.
apricot / 491 posts
I use baby washcloths as wipes. We had received several packs as gifts and they are way cheaper than most cloth wipes. I have a small spray bottle with water and use that for cleaning.
How many you need depends on how big they are (if they are small you many need multiple for a big mess) and if you will wipe with every diaper change. Also consider how many times per week you will wash and the number of poops per day you baby typically has. I guess we could write a formula to figure it out, lol
coconut / 8305 posts
We have about 25 cloth wipes and I'd be happy to have more! lol 15 are Osocozy flannel (they were cheap on Amazon) and then I have 10 that my sister made me from some extra receiving blankets I had.
I've used the California Baby Bum spray but I had to quit using b/c it broke DD's bottom out & CJ's Butter Plus Spritz. I now make my own wipe solution that I store in the empty CJ's Butter Plus Spritz bottle. I've been playing around with some different solutions... right now I have one that has:
1 tablespoon Sesame Oil (I'm out of Coconut oil)
1 tablespoon EVO
1 tablespoon Dr Bronner's Liquid Castile Soap (mine has tea tree oil in it so I didn't add any more)
2 drops tea tree oil (omitted since my Dr. Bronner's already had it)
1 drop lavender oil
1 cup water
(the Sesame oil has a really strong smell so next time I'll use a bit less)
After using the CJ's plus spritz I really liked all the different oils it used b/c it really kept DD's bottom soft which she's prone to getting chapped & rashes so I wanted my solution to have that same "oily-ness" to it, and the tea tree & lavender help keep yeast away (the CJ's spritz had neem oil). Plain water seems to not wipe as smoothly IMO.
nectarine / 2834 posts
this may be the stupidest question ever, but do you just wash cloth wipes together with the diapers? or do they require different treatment?
pomelo / 5720 posts
We have ragababe cloth wipes (36 of them) and I make a solution with Dr brommers, aloe, almond oil and water. I just squirt it on the wipe and its worked for us so far. I use disposable wipes/diapers when we go away for the weekend or for long car rides.
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