My DD is 2 months old and I have been using cloth diapers for the past few weeks. Recently she has started STTN - our routine is try to feed her anywhere from 9-11 (changing her beforehand) then get her down and she wakes from 5-8. The past few nights her diapers have been so full that the second I walk into her room I can smell the pee, almost skunk like. I wrap her up in a swaddle blanket and then have a fleece blanket I put over the from about her belly button down, to hold her in even tighter and they aren't wet but have a smell to them. Even her sheet seems too too. I don't know if they actually do or if its just from her laying on them for a little so just the smell transfers or is I am just crazy and being paranoid. I would hate for this to mess up her sleeping through the night but I can't keep changing her every single morning and her bed stuff. Any suggestions? I use BG 4.0 inserts, and have the big insert thats folded down as far as it can go and did the newborn with it also at night. Should I try doing sposies at night? Wake her in the middle of the night to change her (I would HATE to have to do that, andtake the chance of her waking all the way- she doesn't like to fall back asleep). Any tips are welcome! Oh and they do notleak during the day, althought I change her pretty often, so I don't think its a repelling issue.