Are there any clothing items you buy for your LO every single year? I'm talking about exact or near exact duplicates of the same style, not a general category like "rain boots".
For the past three years, I have always ordered my DDs the mary jane jelly shoes from Old Navy. They just put them out, so I ordered two pairs for each big girl - one in neutral gold, one in their favorite color. Even DD3 is getting a little gold baby sized pair. I'm unreasonably excited, haha! And really sad that this is probably the last year DD1 (turning 5) will fit into the toddler-sized shoes.
For the past two summers, I've also ordered them Old Navy tutu dresses (which aren't the exact same style; I just get whatever ON puts out that year).
How about you? Any particular items you'll keep buying again and again until LO sizes out of them?