So... I'm wondering if I'm gearing up to O in the next couple days. Maybe TMI, but my CM typically is creamy and opaque and even yellowish throughout my cycle except around O time, when it gets watery, stretchy and clear for a few days. Well I'm currently having watery, stretchy CM, but it's cloudy. Is your EWCM always clear, or can EWCM be cloudy/opaque? Help!
(Background: I'm not charting, just doing OPKs and I haven't had a positive yet. I'm on CD 21, which I know is late, but I have PCOS and we're not doing treatments this cycle, so I don't know whether or not I'll actually ovulate at all, but I'm crossing my fingers that I do! If so, it would be my first natural O since starting NTNT 5/10)