My LO is almost 15 months. We introduced WCM at 13 months. She still nurses 3x a day: morning, after daycare, and bedtime. Side note: she is a boob monster and I have no idea how I'm going to wean.

We initially introduced WCM in a sippy cup based on her ped's advice but LO wouldn't take it. It wasn't just that she wouldn't take it but it enraged her: tantrums, hitting, biting. I thought WCM was the problem but my coworker pointed out it might be the sippy. So I tried WCM in a bottle and she drank just fine.

I've been occasionally offering a sippy cup over the last two months but she never took it. Two or three weeks ago and I decide to do sippy cup cold turkey. I've tried three sippy/straw cups and the most she's consumed in a day is a few ounces. My MIL stayed home with her the last two weeks and apparently stopped offering milk altogether. She also tried bottles with WCM and LO won't take those either.

I'm contemplating giving up on WCM. I'm not convinced LO needs it. Before I give up, is there a strategy I'm missing? Try again in a few months once I wean?

I'm not buying another sippy/straw cup on principle. When she wouldn't take a bottle as a newborn I bought over $100 in bottles and she ended up taking the standard Medela. She can drink out of all three types of cups just fine - she does with water all the time.