My bff just lost her twins. She didnt know she was having twins but at around 11 weeks, she ended up losing them both. This was on Sunday. She hasnt said much more than this to me and I just offered her a shoulder anytime she needs it and left it at that. She lives in a different city and I am actually going there tomorrow for a couple days for unrelated matters. I really want to offer to help her out or take her for coffee or just a sit down and talk but not sure if i should just leave her be until she is ready to see people. I am thinking of making the offer and just leave it up to her. Is this a good idea? Should I send her a care package? I just feel so helpless I am also a little hesitant that she might not want t be around a pregnant person right now. We both have LOs around the same age and were both expecting our second around pretty close again