My MIL took me a children's consignment shop yesterday because he needed some cold weather clothes and I was having trouble swallowing the idea of spending a small fortune on something he'd wear for a few months.

And this place was super nice and a lot of what we ended up with still had the original store tags. And OMG they had everything except cribs (they did have pack n plays)...swings, bouncers, bath tubs, car seats, rockers, high chairs, an Angel Care monitor, every carrier I've ever seen, a freaking Petunia Picklebottom Diaper bag for $75 that I was SO tempted to buy...and an entire separate room of toys, half of which was Melissa and Doug.

Anyway, I wanted to share my finds!

Notes: the green of the vest and blue of the sweater are both much more vibrant in person--the vest is more of a forest green and the sweater has teal undertones, it just wasn't translating and I was too lazy to keep adjusting the camera settings--I mean hell it's 11:30am and I'm still in pajamas

I also picked up two very soft fleece blankets, one of which has the alphabet printed on it. I spent a total of $70.