I'm needing to figure out the activity to have at P's first bday pretty quick.... We expect around 10 kids at P's birthday ranging from ~6 months to 8 years and I'm currently getting party supplies.

I originally thought cookie decorating would be a great activity & the kids could just take their cookies (those left uneaten) home with them as their favor. Now, after finding these uber cute colored pencil tubes I think I may set up a drawing station instead..... I mean the lil' ones can't really decorate cookies but they may be able to scribble?

I can only do one b/c of cost (we're also moving & having to get a new car all at the same time) and I want it to not be "too much". I think the cookie decorating may require too much supervision BUT the adults may like it too?..

Which do you ladies think would be best?

ETA: For the drawing station the kiddos would keep their colored pencils as a favor & I'd put some washi tape & their name on them.