I was wondering if you opted or will opt to bank it or donate it? I personally didn't know I could bank it and even if I knew the prices were way out of line for me to even consider. Plus the chances that we need it are rather slim and in comparison to price it would be a no-go.
I did donate it though. I know here in Quebec we have a non-profit organization that collect all the blood for the province and they are the ones that send along the info and contacted me to see if I was eligible to donate. I even had someone contact me weeks after I gave birth to tell me that they were able to get alot from my cord and that I was a perfect donor.
Seeing I'm pro blood giving but haven't been able to the last couple of years, this was my way to make it up. Cord blood has precious blood cells and I wanted to maybe help someone in the future. I will be donating my cord blood again for bébé 2.
Will you Bank it or donate it?