apricot / 410 posts
@crazydoglady: My husband and I made that comparison early this morning as we were working before the kids were up. It didn’t help as we later discovered our five year old had Alexa playing “Let it go” on very low volume on repeat in our kitchen. So we kept literally hearing the same song over and over again for hours this morning, but were too exhausted to realize it was actually playing and not just stuck in our heads! 🤦♀️
pea / 18 posts
@Mrs. Pajamas: Totally relate to "This will be the day!" I made a list of all sorts of activities for my 3.5YO on the first day of lockdown hoping it would get us through the weekend. Two weeks later, we've done like three of them. Good to know I have a stockpile of craft ideas/supplies at least...
blogger / nectarine / 2043 posts
@Orange Lily: Meanwhile over here my kid has burned through a ton of supplies in the two weeks we've been home and Amazon is taking weeks to deliver things (rightfully so - Crayola paint definitely not a necessity!) and I'm running out of ideas to keep her occupied. Free play is not this child's forte.
pea / 18 posts
@Mrs. Carrot: It has been so interesting thinking through what is essential and what is not! Crayola paint probably not essential but here we are churning through a lot of it!
pomelo / 5573 posts
Super not one of those go-getter Pinteresty moms, but we did this: https://weelicious.com/frozen-yogurt-bark/ It was easy, it was fun, they spent 10 minutes sprinkling their yogurt with candy (fruit? Hahaha. Ours are Nerds and gummy bears) and it takes care of snack time.
nectarine / 2648 posts
Update: my Covid test was a BF ! Back to work on Wed. I’m sure I’ll have more stories and details to report back.
Also on the good news front, my first Covid patient was extubated, weaned off pressors and discharged home yesterday. He was sick as snot, and not a picture of health at baseline, so this was a big win.
pea / 14 posts
@yellowbeach: Great news! Stay safe out there. Been thinking of you and your family.
pomegranate / 3127 posts
@yellowbeach: great news! Hang in there and be well! Have there been shutdowns where you live (restaurants, public spaces, offices, all that)? I really hope most states will look at NYC and realize they need to get ahead of the game. The stoppages are pretty awful for everyone here, but I think we'd be in much worse shape without them.
grapefruit / 4361 posts
The school closures have been extended to the end of the school year here (mid-may) in AZ. I knew it was coming but it's so sad.
pomegranate / 3973 posts
@yellowbeach: Glad you were negative and your patient was discharged! Stay healthy!
We will probably get the school update this week, so far still at April 15th but I highly doubt we're going back.
Just had the first case in our county, and I have a coworker with a sore throat staying home just in case.
kiwi / 662 posts
@DesertDreams88: end of the year here too. Still waiting to hear what our daycare will do.
@yellowbeach: Three cheers for a !
nectarine / 2648 posts
Just checking in after my first shift back from quarantine. Things went well and were easy for me overall, mainly because I’m no longer staffing the area of the ED where possible Covid patients are evaluated.
ED volumes in general are down for all the usual stuff which is good because it means the public is listening and complying. But that decrease in the Bs stuff has quickly been replaced by critically ill Covid patients.
When I walked in this morning, I was greeted with a very warm welcome by the nurses and some of my partners. I think people had “heard through the grapevine” about my patient exposure and were concerned since I’m pregnant. It feels good to know you work somewhere that people really care about each other.
I also was made aware of a high profile article that was published in the newspaper yesterday (somehow I missed it). But the family of my Covid patient reached out to the newspaper to share their story and thank every last one of us for saving his life. that may sound like not a big deal, but in 15 years in the medical field, I’ve received 1 written thank you note and 1 email thank you, and multiple patient satisfaction surveys docking me for the long wait times and other systemic issues out of my control. It was such a recharge to read such thoughtful and inspiring words.
So I’m doing well. Back at it again tomorrow.
kiwi / 635 posts
@yellowbeach: thanks again for all you do! I’m so glad you got a little bit of recharge and reminder of why you do what you do
persimmon / 1390 posts
Just wanted to share this as I found it super intriguing: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/04/02/us/coronavirus-social-distancing.html?action=click&module=Top%20Stories&pgtype=Homepage
We have been on complete lockdown here for a few weeks, at a time we only had 3 cases in our county (now over 600), and I've honestly been focusing on local and state news because things are wild enough here. Apparently I've been out of touch with the fact that so much of the country has still been mobile. Stay home!!!
pear / 1565 posts
@josina: I am pretty much mentally preparing for not returning the rest of the school year; just super sad if that's true and K only got to experience 6 months of Kindergarten
I am in NY and the stats coming in daily is just sad. I am SUPER angry at people that are still not following the rules and making it worse for all of us.
pomegranate / 3127 posts
@yellowbeach: how are you doing?
@Becky: yeah, I saw that map and I'm not sure how to feel. On the one hand shutting everything down is not sustainable long term.. On the other hand, the places that are waiting to do that are just prolonging how much disaster they will get down the line. Frankly if the example of, say, Italy or NYC hasn't shown that, IDK what will.
grapefruit / 4291 posts
I haven’t posted on this thread yet but I thought I’d share what’s happening in New Zealand.
We’ve been at “level four” lockdown for the last 11 days and basically the country has shutdown in an effort to reduce / eliminate community transmission. Schools, preschools, universities, churches, all sports etc are all shut and only essential services are allowed to operate. We’re not allowed to drive our cars unless we’re working as an essential service or going to the grocery store / pharmacy / gas station etc and we can’t go out to the beach, the park or anywhere that we can’t walk to. Basically we’re all isolating in bubbles and we can’t have contact with anybody outside of our bubbles (so no visiting neighbours, family, workmates). Any non-essential travel has shutdown so there are very few flights, no trains and minimal public transport services. Restaurants and takeaway shops are all shut and there are only a few online businesses running in an effort to provide essential items such as winter clothes, appliances, bedding and office supplies for those that are working from home.
At this stage we’re locked down for a minimum of 28 days but it will probably be more and I have to be honest that it blows my mind to see places like the US being so cavalier in their approach to dealing with this terrible virus.
kiwi / 583 posts
@Kemma: individual states are doing exactly what you described though. In my state we can only go out for food, medicine, etc. You can go to a park, but we are told to stay 6 feet away from others. We haven't able to visit friends or family either.
eggplant / 11716 posts
@Kemma: yes, we are on day 23 here of what you describe on the NJ side of NYC. We haven’t been in any supermarkets/haven’t seen friends/playgrounds are closed. Now we are supposed to wear masks if we go anywhere.
GOLD / wonderful coffee bean / 18478 posts
@Kemma: I agree with you. I’m in NY and we can still do a lot of things. I live in the NYC suburbs and I see gatherings every time it’s sunny. The rainy days have been the best. I hope Mother Nature can make it rain every day to keep people inside. A lot more people were wearing masks yesterday so that’s something ...
grapefruit / 4291 posts
@Andrea: I’m enjoying our warm Autumn weather because it means that my kids can all be outside!
GOLD / wonderful coffee bean / 18478 posts
@Kemma: Don’t get me wrong, I love the mild weather we’ve had and being outside. It’s just that it gives people excuses to do irresponsible things like my neighbors who had a front lawn birthday party for their 2 year old. I’m sorry, but your 2 year old won’t remember that you couldn’t have a birthday day party for him during a pandemic.
nectarine / 2648 posts
And just when I thought things were going pretty smoothly, DH got home from work and spiked a fever, headache and body aches. Called employee health (we work at the same hospital) and they want to test him tomorrow.
Fortunately our hospital is paying for hotel rooms for employees who have to separate from their families and isolate. So tonight I am on the couch and he’s up in the plague bed. Need to find daycare for Saturday when I work since he’ll be isolated and can’t watch DD now.
Never a dull moment... 🙄
grapefruit / 4361 posts
@yellowbeach: so sorry to hear, keep us updated! Sending you good vibes and prayers.
clementine / 830 posts
@yellowbeach: ugh. keep us posted. fingers crossed the test is negative and in whatever event that your DH feels better soon! continued thanks to you both for all you're doing
pomegranate / 3127 posts
@yellowbeach: ugh, I'm sorry! Thinking of you and wishing you all health!!!
kiwi / 662 posts
@yellowbeach: So sorry to see this update! I hope he's able to get the care he needs and, whatever it is, it turns out to be a mild case and he recovers quickly. (Also hope you and your daughter don't catch it!)
nectarine / 2648 posts
@josina: DH has fully recovered from whatever it was he had. He was tested and amazingly the results came back about 8 hours later rather than the 10 days I had to wait. So he’s back home with us but off this week since he had cleared his schedule in case he was still having fevers and unable to work. We have been using the time to work on the nursery (I’m 31 weeks today) and DD’s big girl room.
pomegranate / 3973 posts
@yellowbeach: So I assume he didn't have Covid then? How stressful to get sick and have to assume the worst everytime. Stay well!
persimmon / 1390 posts
Ugh we just received news that the structure of schoolwork will be changing come Monday to be a bit more straightforward and structured which is great, but assignments will be posted 8am Monday’s. I just emailed DD’s teacher because I literally started sobbing reading the email. I have zero capacity to look through assignments that aren’t sent until 8am on a Monday. I asked if there was any way to send it over the weekend so there was time to look at it, and explained DD probably won’t get a lot of the work done otherwise. We were doing just fine before and this is really stressing me out.
cherry / 134 posts
Don’t mean to jump on and be a downer but I have found this community so welcoming no matter the issue so ... i just found out a coworker’s only child died of COVID. I met him once. And it’s hitting me hard. I’m expecting our triple rainbow baby any day, and so anxiety is high regardless... anyway, just trying to let the feels come. And praying for the family.
It’s just not fair. None of this is fair. The homeschooling, the food shortages, the economic impacts, the isolation, the inability to say goodbye. It’s a bad dream. Where one minute I’m enjoying how my life is focused on being at home with those I love, and the next the sadness and reality hit hard. And I know for my state this is just the beginning as they are lifting some of the “protections.” Which is just insane to me.
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