I read this article while working out this morning in Redbook magazine, honestly it made me mad. I hate how judgmental writers and doctors are about cosleeping. EVERY parent I know readily admits to taking their child into bed with them at LEAST once in order to get some sleep. It's a well-known fact that every child sleeps best with their parents, why wouldn't they?! But doctors are dead-set on telling us the dangers of cosleeping when in reality, the majority of cases where death occurred as a result was actually because the parents had been drinking, using drugs (including any type of medication, or over the counter drgus) or obese .
But this article addresses older children sleeping with their parents, and they say it's still unsafe, which I don't understand - since a parents bed would be the same as their bed.

Also, if my child had night terrors like the son in the article, I definitely wouldn't turn him away. But I feel like this article makes these parents out to be the bad guys. And I totally don't believe the supposed studies saying that cosleeping children are behind academically.

I am not necessarily for/against cosleeping, but moreso the mindset that wherever BOTH parents/children sleep BEST is the best place for them. If that's together, then great, if it's separate - that's awesome. But I'm soo tired of seeing media judge parents for them doing what WORKS for them.


(PS I LOVE the idea of a 9 foot custom bed like the Pitts!!)