Just curious how it works for different families
1. Did you plan to cosleep or bedshare?
2. How old is your little one?
3. What do you do for naps?
4. Is your so on board?

1. I did not plan to at all!! I wasn't against it, but I imagined us having our own space during the night time. He slept in the basinet for the first few months and slept amazing. Like 8 hour stretches by 6 weeks! That lasted until 4 months when we absolutely had to move him to the crib. We just never could manage that transition in a successful way and a month later when I went back to work, we gave up! I felt a little disappointed but never minded cosleeping.

2. 8 months

3. We were putting him on the bed but it got so so dangerous as he achieved crawling and mobility! Now we do a floor bed for naps and the first stretch of the night. He usually wakes up around 12 or so and I just bring him to bed with me. If I go to bed before that, I'll about half and half bring him or leave him but he never seems to do much of a stretch anymore. We also got a video monitor despite our tiny house because we like to know what he's up to!

4. Surprisingly to me he is so on board and honestly always suggested it to me! It made everything manageable for us and honestly I get really good sleep considering how frequently the baby nurses!