help me figure out what's going on with my just-turned-one-year old....
A little backstory: he's been coughing in his crib for a while, like, months - but it's been a dry cough and it usually doesn't disturb him, and it's ONLY when he's laying down in his crib, never during the day. I've brought it up with the Ped a couple times, we think it could be due to extra saliva from teething (he only got his first two teeth at 11 months, no more yet)... I've been changing his sheets often, I have been running an air purifier, and then lately I've started running a cool mist humidifier.
Cut to a week ago - the dry cough turned into a mucousy cough - so I've elevated his crib a bit with a crib wedge. Last night & 2 nights ago he was up coughing A LOT in the middle of the night, very wet-sounding, but he got himself back to sleep. He coughs a bit when we pick him up, but then no more all day, only when laying down... No runny nose either.
Earlier this week he felt slightly warm but his temp was hovering around 99, so, no fever.
He has been SO FUSSY all week... it's so sad. He's so off. But, with barely a cold, and no fever, i'm not sure what to do. Should I bring him into ped?
is it possible he has an ear infection even though he doesn't have a fever, and could the congestion in his chest cause it?