I'm totally confused. Here is my list of concerns versus why it seems less likely...

Might be MSPI-
He's a pretty gassy baby
His poops have been off and on weird. At times green and mucusy with (very occasional) streaks of blood
He has a recurrent face rash that looks like baby acne. It is much better than when he was littler but it still comes back here and there.

Might not be-
He's generally happy and not particularly fussy.
He sleeps well
He doesn't spit up nearly as much as my first (although still does several times a day)
His gas is helped tremendously by gas drops.
I haven't seen a drastic change when I have eliminated or added back dairy.

Any thoughts???? I saw some blood again today in his diaper (very very small amount) and now I am confused again. Not sure what to do...