Quick(ish) background- my hubs and I are "friends" with a couple. I quote it because it's his bff since childhood and his wife. The wife is coo coo for cocoa puffs. I've befriended her, just because I know it means a lot to my husband. But she's so difficult to get along with! And since becoming friends with her, she's created a competition with us that is OOC (out of control). I'm talking every last thing we do, they do shortly after us. Including getting pregnant.

Anyway, they recently came over and she said that she might have to have a c-section 4 weeks before her due date because the baby is in the breech position. Does that make sense? I'm obviously not an OBGYN. But, why not wait to give the baby time to move. If he doesn't, then they can do a c-section closer to her due date, no?

I'm just curious to know if this sounds like it's something that could actually happen. She's so pathological that she would lie about something like this to avoid telling us that there's actually something wrong with her pregnancy.