My LO is only 16 weeks. She's been a pretty drooly baby since 5 weeks but in the last 2 weeks it is just ridiculous. Like the front of her shirt will be soaked in under 10 min from putting it on her and there are just rivers of drool coming out of her mouth like she's a st. bernard. She also been obsessed with chewing on her hands for a while now, but the last 2 weeks it is 24/7. There is almost 0 time where she doesn't have a hand or something in her mouth. Anything she can grab she chews on (toys, burp cloth, anything she touches goes in the mouth and gnaw gnaw gnaw).
But-- no fever. I can't feel or see any teeth. And she's so young!
She's also been super whiny cranky the last few days and her sleep has sucked really bad for the last 2 weeks-- but she's 3.5 mo so I thought maybe that was just early 4 mo regression?