I've decided my younger daughter will be Hei Hei to go with her sister's Moana. I'm attaching my inspiration picture. I ordered a rooster/ turkey hat from Amazon that I'm hoping she will wear. We have yellow leggings that will work. But I'm picturing a super simple tunic top that I can add the neck ruffles to.
Any ideas or links to super simple (free) tunic patterns? I do not have a sewing machine but have sewn simple things and am willing to hand sew, use iron on tape, and a hot glue gun. Basically I'm picturing something like teal fleece folded over, with a neck hole cut out, and the sides sewn up, that I can then cut in the zig zag bottom and add the neck stuff. But having trouble even coming up with the right search terms.
(edited to add the link to the costume- super cute but I can't pay that much and my kid would refuse to wear half of it anyway https://www.etsy.com/listing/523398824/moana-hei-hei-heihei-roosterchicken?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=hei%20hei%20costume&ref=sr_gallery_7&source=aw&utm_source=affiliate_window&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=us_location_buyer&awc=6220_1505671819_a41dabd7b8eb9e8876dad50e77c09bf8&utm_content=202819)