Thought it might be sort of funny to talk about the crazy things our moms and grandmas went through due to outdated practices when they had their own births! I'll start.
My grandma:
In her day they KNOCKED YOU OUT to give birth. You had no option or choice. And we're not talking pain medication, we're talking unconscious. When my mom was born (my grandma's fourth child) her labor progressed so quickly that the doctor couldn't get to the hospital before my grandma felt the urge to push. She said she begged them to just let her push and deliver the baby but the nurses literally held her legs together and LAID ON THEM to keep her from pushing until the doc could get there and knock her out to deliver the baby. Wowza. (1958)
My mom:
Not quite so bad but when she had my brother, she was scheduled for a planned c-section because "the baby never dropped and if you try to give birth naturally the cord will strangle him"?? So she got checked into the hospital at night and was supposed to have the procedure at 9am the next day. Husbands were not allowed to stay at the hospital. At 1am she woke up in labor and they decided to let her try for a vaginal birth, but they refused to let her call my father! There was no phone in the room and they wouldn't bring her one or call for her and said she really shouldn't bother him or her mom by calling in the middle of the night. I should also mention-- my mom had just turned 18 at this point so she was super terrified and had no birth education and really had no clue what to expect at all. So she had to stay in the hospital alone laboring by herself until 8am when my dad showed up as planned to find his wife already 7 hrs into laboring! (1977)
Man I'm glad I'm having my kid in the 21st century!! Although it does sort of make me wonder what/if any practices of today will be considered barbaric by our kids and grandkids!